Cooking Temperatures, Part 1
Phew, last two weeks have been quite busy! I had the CodeU summit in California, and then spent the weekend kayaking for 20 miles along the San Juan island coast.
Not trying to make excuses here, but I didn't have the time to finish any exciting projects. My goal is to spend an hour every day doing calligraphy or lettering, but it seems that traveling always gets in the way of that plan. I also still fully intend to post something on my blog every week, even though I had missed last week.
I finally started working on a project that I've had at the back of my mind for at least a couple years.
Most of the time when I cook, I know exactly what temperature the meat should be when it's done. Chicken needs to go until it's 165F. Salmon is done at 135F. Still, there are a lot of different meats and temperatures that I have a hard time keeping in my head.
What I decided to do is to write out a list of recommended temperatures for a large number of things, and then put it on my fridge, so that I can consult it easily.
This is what I have so far. I haven't quite decided on the layout yet, but I want it to be very simple and organized.
Stay tuned for next week's post of the final version :)